Indian women Fighting odds, soaring higher
Released on: March 8, 2008, 8:48 pm
Press Release Author: By R.M.S. Atwal
Industry: Education
Press Release Summary: Hard work, sincerity and strong determination have always been the bedrock of a successful woman. She is soaring higher in all walks of life whether she is a woman executive or a corporate manager. Sky is not the limit for her because she has learnt to cope with pressure situations. The Indian woman means business now and exploring new frontiers has become her new passion.
Press Release Body: Her plain Jane looks and a demure smile can be deceptive until she whizzes past you on her new Activa, leaving you jaw-dropped. A rich amalgam of the East and the West, the average urban Indian woman has catapulted herself today to new heights with her knowledge and experience, far away from her home and hearth. Yes, you have guessed it right. The modern Indian woman aspires to be more ambitious and goal-oriented, entering into new arenas day in and day out. Jumping onto the bandwagon of high-paying jobs, she loves to call out the shots in hitherto male bastions. Getting closer to the International Women's Day, we talked to a bunch of women working with Top Careers & You (TCY) and its online division,, who poured their hearts out on a host of issues confronting their professional and social lives. We have found that she has proved her mettle as a complete woman -- a successful entrepreneur; an online publisher; a faculty par excellence; a creative content-developer; an able HR Executive; an online tutor; a counselor; and a successful manager. On top of that, she is making inroads into telecommuting (home-office) too, somewhat a nascent concept in this country. Many of them have made their families proud by scripting success for themselves in the education field. For a woman like Ms. Gurpreet Wadhera, Program Head, English Language Division at TCY, it is all about understanding how well you can maintain a delicate balance between home and office. "It's a great challenge for a woman today to manage home and office but your success lies in being how effective and efficient you are. I think if one is sincere, dedicated and has a strong will-power, nothing is impossible to achieve in life," said the former college lecturer. Hard work, sincerity and strong determination have always been the bedrock of a successful woman. She is soaring higher in all walks of life whether she is a woman executive or a corporate manager. Sky is not the limit for her because she has learnt to cope with pressure situations. The Indian woman means business now and exploring new frontiers has become her new passion. Ms. Mukta Gogia and Ms. Meenakshi Chatta love to telecommute from their offices in Mumbai and Delhi, respectively; for the corporate functions while handling domestic and international business. Drifting away from conventional 'nine to five' concept, these young women communicate with their office in Ludhiana from these two metros. Yes, the winds of change are blowing in this traditional industrial town. The telecommuting concept may take some time to catch on nationwide, but its benefits are galore, especially for talented young mothers and who can't afford to sacrifice their careers. It is a boon for the physically challenged too. "It's a great idea working from home-office for professionals, although the option to work from home depends a lot on your assigned project. Today, there are a host of opportunities for qualified women but they must meet your professional goals. Workplace not only enhances your personality but also makes you strong enough to face the challenges of life," says Ms. Gogia, who is also a mother of a four-year-old son. Ms. Chatta owes her success to her colleagues and supportive family. "We are a fantastic team of professionals, destined for excellence. Then, there is my family, wonderful and supportive," she said. According to her, a good start at work-life balance begins with self-reflection. Her advice to young upcoming women professionals: "Always believe in yourself and your dreams. Take a challenge that you have to create your own story. When this dream combines with the organizational goal, success is destined to be yours. Shared responsibility at home and careful time management at work are critical". "Consider telecommuting and flex-time arrangements. Exploit technology to the fullest to work remotely and deliver. Be an online writer, a content developer, tutor or a communication person. There are immense opportunities available today for any enterprising woman, be it in the urban or semi-urban area. One can be financially independent, create employment for others and yet be a responsible family member. Live every day of your life with a purpose. Forget the excuses and start extending your reach", says Ms. Chatta. It is worth noting that has created a home-based model for teachers who can publish questions and have an additional income. For Omar K. Saini, a teacher by profession, uploading her English content on the website has opened new avenues for her. "Now I can upload my test and download my money. This website has made that simple for me. What a fantastic idea for teachers like me to supplement their income," she said enthusiastically. The young woman brigade in today's life face challenges of a different kind. Living far away from their parents in city paying guests or working women's hostels make them stronger and more responsible. Ms. Jatinder Pal Kaur, a young HR executive with TCY, encourages more women to join the TCY workforce because of the long-term benefits. "Women have always shared a deep association with the education sector. With private firms like Top Careers & You creating new opportunities besides classroom teaching, the Indian woman today is in a win-win situation. The team culture and respect for peers is amazing. Empowerment with no gender bias and time flexibility with the options like online tutoring and home-based jobs create a long term bond with our female staff. Ms. Kaur gives great importance to 'good mentoring' in life, with the workplace as a learning platform. "It builds confidence and improves leadership skills which, I think, are a great asset for a girl today," according to this Bathinda girl. Ms. Shaveta Bhardwaj, who enjoys counseling students and parents, feels that "With sheer hard work and responsible behaviour, one can fulfill the dreams and rise to senior positions". A progressive woman should 'reinvent' and 're-assess' herself on a regular basis. "Fortified with strong soft skills, loyalty and diligence, women today have a competitive edge over men at workplace," according to Ms. Pradeep Brar, a Content Developer with TCY. "We take our jobs as a challenge to prove ourselves that we are inferior to none. If you have a talent, flaunt it. No use sitting at home when you can chip in to your family income by joining the workforce," said the former housewife and a mother. It is all about time management, discipline and setting your priorities right. In fact, this is the success secret of women entrepreneurs who have made a mark for themselves. Though money counts a lot for many, for some like Ms. Neha Gupta, an entrepreneur, 'inner satisfaction' is more important. "The woman today is getting more career-conscious because she has realized that by living a submissive life she cannot prove her mettle. She can only achieve her goal by overcoming her problems," said the TCY, Patiala, Franchisee. Ms. Romy Khurana, TCY Amritsar Franchisee, does not think that the Indian women are getting 'overambitious' and 'career-conscious'. "They are just trying to seek their identities in today's challenging world. I think there is no harm in keeping pace with time and finding a place for yourself if you have the potential," she said. "My initial challenges were to prove my calibre on the chessboard of life where I had to smartly plan my positions but with my planning and single-mindedness, I was able to manage my work well," said Ms. Khurana exuding loads of confidence and self-determination. Working night shifts in the BPO industry or e-tutoring North American kids is another challenge for girls today in India. Many find it hard working at unearthly hours because of security concerns but thanks to a safe and secure work culture at TCY, girls like Tishu Kohli in fact enjoy their jobs of online tutoring. "I love my job. It is great teaching Math to K-12 students in the US. With ample support from my team members, working nights is no problem," said Ms. Kohli who has been doing nights for the last two years now. In a nutshell, we can say that the women power is to the fore today. No matter how hard the challenges are, the Indian women are marching ahead shoulder to shoulder with their Western counterparts. So, next time you see a simple looking woman walking on the street, do not take her for granted. She can turn the tables on you and have a last laugh! ____________
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